With the current exchange rate and relaxed requirement entries post COVID, many people are considering traveling up North to our northern neighbor Canada. But what if you have a DUI, felony or assault conviction? What are the rules for travel? Many people are unsure. Read on to find out more… Potential travelers to Canada do […]
Tag Archives: seattle

The Hague Convention: Its Importance in Family Law and Why India is Not a Part of It
Categories: Child Custody, divorce, family law, filing divorce, kids, king county, lawyer, parenting
Family law is an intricate and sensitive area of law that deals with the issues of family relationships, including marriage, divorce, child custody, and adoption. It is an area of law that affects the lives of millions of people worldwide. When families are involved in legal disputes, they require timely and effective resolution of their […]

The QDRO Quandary
Categories: attorney, QDRO, retirement, Uncategorized
How Division of Retirement Assets Occurs In most divorces, the issue of retirement and how to divide them come up. There are multiple types of retirement accounts and benefits. The easiest to understand is social security. It’s the most simple. A court can not divide social security. It can order a spouse to pay alimony […]
7 Tips to Find the Right Divorce Attorney
Categories: Uncategorized
When you are facing divorce, one of the first questions that comes to mind is “How do I find a good lawyer?” Knowing how to choose a divorce attorney who will provide you with the legal advice you need, at a price you can afford, and be the right fit for your situation, isn’t easy. […]
Premarital Agreements… Thoughtful Terms Make a Good Prenup
Categories: Uncategorized
When we see people with money divorcing one of the first questions we have is who got the premarital agreement and who stands to benefit financially. Oftentimes, the wealthier, more-moneyed future spouse has minimized or eliminated the post-marriage rights of the less-moneyed spouse and ensured that the prenup would be still enforceable under that state’s laws. The goal […]
Relocation: Follow the Rules or Pay the Penalty
Categories: Uncategorized
The UCCJA is a law that controls which court has jurisdiction to make custody and visitation decisions about your child when you are getting or have gotten a divorce or separation. It is important to now about this law if you are considering relocation. It says that, in most cases, if a child moves out […]
Spousal Maintenance: Who Gets How Much Alimony?
Categories: alimony, divorce, king county, seattle, spousal maintenance, Uncategorized
We’ve heard stories of the woman who gets $6,000 a month from her ex-husband and questioned if that was really something a court would do. Do “average people” get spousal maintenance? Some do. Spousal maintenance, also known as alimony, is awarded in cases where a divorce makes it difficult for one person to keep the […]
Threatening Behavior in Divorce – Domestic Violence?
Categories: divorce, domestic violence, Uncategorized
In the United States, 20 people are abused by a partner every minute. That’s one case of abuse every three seconds. 1 in 3 women and 1 in 7 men experience violence by their partners in their lifetimes. Domestic violence and its effects cost the U.S. more than $8.3 billion per year. Oftentimes domestic violence […]

Know Your Rights — and Stay Calm if Pulled Over by Police
Categories: arrest, police, pulled over, rights, seattle, Uncategorized
It’s important it is to know your legal rights, and what is and is not permissible to do when you are pulled over by a police officer. There’s the law—what is legally permissible for the officer and the motorist to do. And then there’s the reality of how such encounters with police can play out. Given […]
Cost for Family Law Filing Increases
Categories: divorce, filing, Uncategorized, washington state
In Washington State, a Superior Court Fee Schedule Revision went into effect on July 24, 2015. This cost increases what was already a high cost of filing certain actions including divorce and separation. Substitute Senate Bill 5631, in part, increases the current surcharge on domestic cases (dissolution, legal separation, and declaration concerning the validity of […]