We’ve heard stories of the woman who gets $6,000 a month from her ex-husband and questioned if that was really something a court would do. Do “average people” get spousal maintenance? Some do. Spousal maintenance, also known as alimony, is awarded in cases where a divorce makes it difficult for one person to keep the […]
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Know Your Rights — and Stay Calm if Pulled Over by Police
Categories: arrest, police, pulled over, rights, seattle, Uncategorized
It’s important it is to know your legal rights, and what is and is not permissible to do when you are pulled over by a police officer. There’s the law—what is legally permissible for the officer and the motorist to do. And then there’s the reality of how such encounters with police can play out. Given […]
Ten Signs it Might Be Time to Divorce
Categories: divorce, family law, king county, seattle, Uncategorized
Knowing when to divorce can be difficult, and it’s a decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly. So how do you know if you should proceed? How can you be sure that this time is really it? While there’s no magic answer for when to get a divorce, here are 10 signs it might be time to […]
Drive Hammered, Get Nailed with a DUI
Categories: attorney, DUI, fourth of july, House Bill 2216, ignition interlock, king county, seattle, Uncategorized
As we celebrate our country’s day of independence many people are inspired to get on the water or drive to Lake Union in Seattle and watch the fireworks. Many enjoy a drink, or two… or three, and then drive home. Those people, and even those who haven’t had more than a drink or two run […]
Ben & Jen: Big Divorce, Possible Spousal Support
Categories: attorney, divorce, lawyer, seattle, spousal support, Uncategorized
Ben and Jen this week provide a good example of how time can be important. Passing the 10-year mark – which the couple did on Monday – can change how California judges award spousal support. And, the same approach to divorce and spousal support can hold true in other states as well. Now, in their […]