With the current exchange rate and relaxed requirement entries post COVID, many people are considering traveling up North to our northern neighbor Canada. But what if you have a DUI, felony or assault conviction? What are the rules for travel? Many people are unsure. Read on to find out more… Potential travelers to Canada do […]
Tag Archives: child custody

The Hague Convention: Its Importance in Family Law and Why India is Not a Part of It
Categories: Child Custody, divorce, family law, filing divorce, kids, king county, lawyer, parenting
Family law is an intricate and sensitive area of law that deals with the issues of family relationships, including marriage, divorce, child custody, and adoption. It is an area of law that affects the lives of millions of people worldwide. When families are involved in legal disputes, they require timely and effective resolution of their […]
Parenting Evaluators: A Tool for Courts
Categories: Child Custody, divorce, parenting evaluator, Uncategorized
Going through a divorce is stressful for everyone. When children are involved, divorce or separation can get even more challenging. After all, it’s easy to “split” property or assets. Things get complicated when young lives are involved. In the end, we trust our judges to make sure that the “right” decision is made with regard to […]
Washington law on Parenting Plans
Categories: Child Custody
Oftentimes when parents separate, they do not agree on parenting and child visitation issues. Both parents may want primary custody. Or, one parent may want weekend visitations while the other parent wants a 50/50 split time arrangement. One parent may travel for work, causing them to want a non-traditional arrangement with regard to custody time and […]