Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom Divorce is “Off”

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The past few weeks have been a little over the top… even for the Kardashians. Khloe Kardashian’s lawyer, Laura Wasser, asked a judge to withdraw the couple’s divorce papers on Wednesday morning. The judge granted the request.

Why should you care? You probably shouldn’t, but their unique situation provides a lesson in why not just filing, but finalizing divorce is important. Had Odom passed away, all of his debts and assets would have passed on to Kardashian because their divorce wasn’t finalized. 

While both signed divorce papers in July, in weird twist of fate it turns out that a judge had yet to rule on their case, meaning the two were still legally married. Because of that, Kardashian was left to make medical decisions for him. The two married in 2009 after dating for one month. Their marriage has been issue laden the past few years due largely to Odom’s battle with drug addition.

Kardashian and others flew to see him shortly after his collapse. She stayed by Odom’s side after the former NBA star was found unconscious at a Nevada brothel last week. At that time he was in a coma.

While he has come out of the coma he is having serious medical issues. His kidneys are not functioning. He likely will need a transplant. One of his closest friends, brother-in-law Rob Kardashian, reportedly offered to donate one of his.
