
Who Pays For College?
Categories: Uncategorized
Parents need to be aware they may foot much of the bill for kids’ college costs as the court gets involved The Washington State Child Support Schedule says this topic is advisory, not mandatory. In other words, there are rules with regard to support for children up until 18 or graduating high school. There are […]

The QDRO Quandary
Categories: attorney, QDRO, retirement, Uncategorized
How Division of Retirement Assets Occurs In most divorces, the issue of retirement and how to divide them come up. There are multiple types of retirement accounts and benefits. The easiest to understand is social security. It’s the most simple. A court can not divide social security. It can order a spouse to pay alimony […]
Creating Your Will, Living Will & Power of Attorney
Categories: estate planning
Living wills and advance directives describe your preferences for end-of-life care. These documents speak for you when you’re not able to speak for yourself. Living wills and other advance directives are written, legal instructions regarding your preferences for medical care if you are unable to make decisions for yourself. Advance directives guide choices for doctors […]
Common Law Marriage Myth & Cohabitation Agreements
Categories: family law
A common myth is that if you live with someone for seven years you automatically create a common law marriage. Common law marriage occurs when a couple lives together for a certain number of years, hold themselves out as husband and wife, and intend to be married. Washington State law does not allow common law […]
Brad Pitt Child Abuse Investigation Gets International Headlines
Categories: Child Custody, divorce
It would be an understatement to say that Brad Pitt is having a horrible week. His wife filed for divorce. And if that wasn’t bad enough, the FBI was informed of a “child welfare” incident between Pitt and his son. Child abuse claims were made due to what happened on a private flight that the […]
Divorce in an International World
Categories: Uncategorized
The world is getting smaller and smaller. We live in a global society and have an international economy. International travel is easy. Thanks to the internet we’re all connected in new ways. These days, people meet and fall in love across international borders. So it’s no surprise that marriages involving dual citizenship are more common than […]
7 Tips to Find the Right Divorce Attorney
Categories: Uncategorized
When you are facing divorce, one of the first questions that comes to mind is “How do I find a good lawyer?” Knowing how to choose a divorce attorney who will provide you with the legal advice you need, at a price you can afford, and be the right fit for your situation, isn’t easy. […]
Premarital Agreements… Thoughtful Terms Make a Good Prenup
Categories: Uncategorized
When we see people with money divorcing one of the first questions we have is who got the premarital agreement and who stands to benefit financially. Oftentimes, the wealthier, more-moneyed future spouse has minimized or eliminated the post-marriage rights of the less-moneyed spouse and ensured that the prenup would be still enforceable under that state’s laws. The goal […]
Pre-marital Agreements: A Smart Marriage Move
Categories: Uncategorized
Pre-marital agreements are becoming more common as couples realize they are helpful to one or both parties. Do pre-marital agreements make sense for normal people earning average incomes? The answer: “Yes!” If you read the covers of magazines at the supermarket, you see impending divorces of celebrities and discussions about their pre-marital agreements, alimony, and child custody battles […]
New Paid Family Leave Policy In New York
Categories: Uncategorized
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed legislation adopting a 12-week paid family leave policy for New York employees on April 4. This family leave law will provide employees with up to 12 weeks of paid leave to allow them to care for a new child. They can also use this time to care for a […]